When it comes to weightlifting gear, there are countless options available in the market. However, for Latorya Watts, a 2x Ms Figure Olympia Champion and 3x Arnold Sports Figure Champion, the choice is clear – Schiek weightlifting gear. In this article, we will explore why Latorya Watts has chosen Schiek as her go-to brand for weightlifting equipment.

Why Schiek?

As a professional athlete, Latorya Watts understands the importance of using high-quality gear that can enhance her performance and provide the necessary support. Schiek weightlifting gear has been a game-changer for her, and here's why:

Unparalleled Quality and Durability

Schiek is renowned for its commitment to quality and durability. Their weightlifting belts, gloves, and straps are made from premium materials that can withstand the rigors of intense training sessions. Latorya Watts trusts Schiek gear to provide the necessary stability and protection during her workouts.

Ergonomic Design for Optimal Performance

Schiek weightlifting gear is designed with the athlete in mind. Their products are ergonomically designed to provide maximum comfort and support, allowing athletes like Latorya Watts to focus on their form and technique without any distractions. The gear is adjustable, ensuring a perfect fit for every individual.

Endorsement by Elite Athletes

One of the reasons Latorya Watts chose Schiek weightlifting gear is because it is trusted and endorsed by elite athletes across various sports disciplines. When she saw that many top athletes rely on Schiek for their training needs, she knew she could trust the brand to deliver exceptional performance.

Commitment to Innovation

Schiek is constantly pushing the boundaries of innovation in weightlifting gear. They are dedicated to improving their products based on feedback from athletes and incorporating the latest advancements in sports technology. This commitment to innovation aligns perfectly with Latorya Watts' drive to constantly improve and stay ahead of the competition.


Choosing the right weightlifting gear is crucial for any athlete, and Latorya Watts understands this better than anyone. By selecting Schiek weightlifting gear, she has found a brand that not only meets her high standards of quality and performance but also aligns with her values as a champion. Whether you are a professional athlete or a fitness enthusiast, Schiek weightlifting gear can help you reach your goals and unleash your full potential.

Check out Schiek Athlete, Latorya Watt's feature in STRONG Magazine: 

Latorya Watts in Strong Magazine chooses Schiek Weightlifting Gear

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